All posts by "Clarence Moye"

Clarence firmly believes there is no such thing as too much TV or film in one's life. He welcomes comments, criticisms, and condemnations on Twitter or on the web site. Just don't expect him to like you for it.

'The X-Files' delivers what will prove to be perhaps its most iconic character, the thoroughly disgusting Flukeman, in 'The Host.'

'Little Green Men' starts the second season with an episode dedicated to Mulder's teetering on the brink of hopelessness and self-doubt and the events that bring him back.

The "F" in "Fall" stands for "fun" as television programmers bring a live exorcism and two U2 concert specials.

'The Erlenmeyer Flask' closes the first season with an episode fully dedicated to the government alien mythology that will populate the series for years to come.

A mentally challenged janitor may hold the key to scientific advancements in aeronautics in 'Roland.' Now, if he could only quit that pesky murdering habit...

A young girl, the reincarnation of a wronged policeman, wrecks havoc on those who caused him harm in another chapter in 'Born Again.'

The X-Files returns to one of their most popular Season One characters to bridge Mulder and Scully into the next phase of their FBI careers.

The Water Cooler Podcast gang have held their breath long enough... It's time to talk about Wayward Pines.

As originally posted in The Hollywood Reporter.    

So, a week following the Emmy nominations, where do we stand in the Outstanding Drama and Comedy Series categories? Awards Daily TV starts looking at what series are currently out ...

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