How to Get Away with Murder: She’s Having My Baby!

Everyone’s present on How to Get Away with Murder for the penultimate episode of the first half of the season. Those dramatic promos (which deserve Outstanding Performance by a Voiceover Artist Who Just Can’t Even) promises us that we won’t want to miss next week’s installment, so this hour was devoted to making sure everyone was accounted for.

Sleepwalking Desperate Housewife
Just to keep us begging the producers to tell us who killed Sam, this episode distracts us with the weekly court case. It was quite refreshing to not have one of these last week, but we all have to pay our dues, right? Annalise’s newest case revolves around a real estate agent named Gretchen Thomas who doesn’t quite remember killing her housekeeper, Elka. Personally, I worry about whether I’ve turned off the coffeepot in the middle of the night, but the surveillance footage of Gretchen dragging and cleaning her housekeeper’s body is pretty damning.

Annalise puts her students in charge of interviewing Gretchen’s family, but it doesn’t seem like Gretchen has any problem going to prison. She’s resigned to idea of “paying for the sin” she’s committed even though her family supports that she would sleepwalk. What happens in the end? Gretchen’s son drops the bomb on the stand that he and Elka had a thing going on, but Michaela is the one that cracks the case. She discovers that both Gretchen’s husband and son took the same STD medication from sleeping with Elka. Gretchen’s husband killed Elka, and he set his wife up for her murder. Maaaaan. Marriages are NOT looking good in this episode.

Dalliance with Darcy
Another reason why we are DYING to find out what happened to Sam is because we finally get to see Lila speak! She’s no longer a girl on a slab or a girl on MISSING posters! She’s no longer just a drug dealer’s newest protégé, but she’s doing lines of coke with said drug dealer! Through flashbacks, Lila tells Rebecca that she met a married man, and, later in the episode, Lila regales her with details of her and Mr. Darcy banging for the first time. When Lila goes off the deep end and tries to get into Annalise’s office to expose the affair, Bonnie steps in and tells Lila that she just needs to chill. But not before one piece of information is confirmed. Whacky theory: could Lila have killed herself to frame Sam?

Anna & Sam & Bonnie & Lila
We can all agree that Sam is a total sack of crap, right? Stop lying, Sam! Annalise confronts him on whether he knew that Lila was pregnant with their love child, and he swears to his wife that he had no idea. When Bonnie tells Lila to back off, she realizes that he did know everything, and he’s a super lying sack of crap. When Bonnie tells Annalise everything, she quite literally gets on her knees in front of her asking for forgiveness without actually asking for forgiveness, and what does Annalise do? She fires Bonnie while Bonnie is still groveling on the floor. BUM BUM BUM! Perhaps Annalise didn’t want to actually hear that Sam kissed Bonnie and told her that he needed her?

Everything is Falling Into Place…
This episode finishes with setting everyone up on the night of Zee Murder. Let’s play a little recap, shall we?

Michaela meets up with her future mother-in-law to discuss the prenuptial agreement, and it does not go well. Lynn Whitfield (high eyebrows and all) plays Andre’s mother, Mary, and she basically comes right out and tells Michaela that she doesn’t want her money grubbing hands anywhere near her family money. Mary slams the paperwork on the dinner table and offers her a pen, and Michaela’s reaction is to try and slap her. Michaela storms off, and heads to Asher’s apartment. She thinks that she deserves the trophy for cracking the Gretchen Thomas case, and she snatches it out of Asher’s living room while he is out of the room.

Early in the episode, Annalise tells Wes about Lila’s pregnancy, and he immediately tells Rebecca (even though Annalise asks him not to). None of these people can keep a secret, because Rebecca turns right around and tells Nate thinking it will get the charges dropped against her when Sam is brought in. When Laurel and Frank are going at it for what seems like the 16th time in 2 episodes, they are interrupted by Frank’s girlfriend. BUM BUM BUM! Just what this series needed—another character! She storms off (there’s a lot of that in this episode I’m realizing) and meets up with Connor and Wes for a study group. The last moment of the episode? Annalise essentially having enough and sort of turning in her husband for murder. She calls the DA and makes a deal to question every person in Lila Stanguard’s life. BUM BUM BUUUUMMM!!!

In true AwardsDaily fashion, I am calling for a No Guts, No Glory prediction for Who Killed Sam/Breaking Developments in Lila’s Case. I might have to go with my previous statement that Lila tossed herself into that water tank…after you know…trying to strangle herself. More dramatic things have happened on this show, so all bets are off.

murder 2

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