The Marvel/Netflix ‘Daredevil’ Series is Taking Shape

EW spoke to Marvel TV head Jeph Loeb about Netflix’s upcoming Daredevil series and reports back with a few details that help give you an idea of what to expect from the show. I pulled out the salient details as a non-Marvel obsessive, but head over to EW for the full scoop.

  • Neighborhood-scope as opposed to Avengers’ Universe-scope.
  • Gritty crime story as opposed to flashy super hero show.
  • More graphic than other Marvel shows, but still family-friendly.
  • He’s not literally “the man without fear” because the powers that be think that would be boring.
  • It’s almost as much Kingpin’s story as Daredevil’s.
  • If Bullseye shows up, it won’t be in the first season.

Daredevil is schedule to debut sometime in May 2015.

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