Kris Tapley at InContention has done a nice job of reviewing and talking about those pesky shorts. Seriously, they are entertaining on their own but if guess right (it’s almost always impossible to guess right) it can give you that extra boost in your predictions. I find that with these shorts one person says it will be this one movie and then suddenly everyone else follows suit because they don’t know what else to do.
He also has links to where to see clips and where to watch the full movies online.¬† When it comes down to it, Kris believes that the two best candidates for the top prize are ‚ÄúSpielzeugland‚Äù and ‚ÄúPresto.” But again, these categories are notoriously impossible – and sometimes can be sussed out if there is a famous name involved, or there was a lot of money poured into the production (friends in powerful places). But most of the time you could pick a name out of a hat and have just as easy a time figuring out how the Academy will go.