[CORRECTED: I’ve changed the headline to reflect a better translation of an interview with Guillermo Arriaga. Aronofsky might one day direct Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie — but not, as far as we know, in the same movie. I posted another article in July concerning talk that Jolie could appear in Aronofsky’s adaptation of a gripping wilderness revenge thriller called Serena. That’s got nothing to do with The Tiger, so apologies for the confusion. The good news: everybody who hated Mr & Mrs Smith can stop worrying about a sequel involving sexy spies and Appalachian tigers.]
A couple of days ago I was ready punch the “Publish” button on a speculative post called “Aronofsky torn between X-Men & G-Men”. The story would have involved rumors that Darren Aronofsky had been handed a choice between two options at a career crossroads following the extraordinary international reception for Black Swan. One route would have taken him toward directing the sequel to X-Men: Wolverine for Fox. Another street led to Tales From the Gangster Squad for Warner Bros. With confirmation earlier this week that Zack Snyder is set to direct the new Superman for producer Christopher Nolan, THR was reporting that Aronofsky could be looking for his own tent pole opportunity.
I hesitated to post for two reasons. First, there didn’t seem to be much to substantiate the claims. Second, it made me sort of queasy to think about Aronofsky directing a Furry variation of Edward Scissorhands. (Plus, I want Ben Affleck to direct Tales from the Gangster Squad.) I wanted to suggest Aronofsky take a minute to meditate on Robert Frost’s The Road Not Taken before he stepped off the wrong cliff.
Well, whew. Another better rumor has come along today that I’m happy to spread around, whether there’s any real basis in fact or not. Back in May we told you about Brad Pitt acquiring rights to The Tiger, a soon-to-be-published true-life adventure written by John Vaillant.
“This elegant work of narrative non-fiction has it all—beauty, intrigue, a primeval locale, fully realized characters, and a conflict that speaks to the state of our world. Obsessively well-researched and artfully written, The Tiger takes us on a journey to the raw edge of civilization, to a world of vengeful cats and venal men, a world that, in Vallant’s brilliant telling, is simultaneously haunting and enchanting.”
The project was being developed under the radar, but tonight The Playlist reports another player has entered the picture, providing a tipping point for an opportunity nobody will want to see slip away. Screenwriter Guillermo Arriaga confirms they’ll begin scouting locations before the year is out.
“These days I’m traveling to New York to lend clarity to the last detail, in November would be doing a tour of Siberia to check locations,” Arriaga said. However, most intriguingly, he indicates that the the film will shoot next year.
Fingers crossed that Aronofsky can wait to see how this shakes out.
(Thanks Kevin K. & Martin)