The Academy members will now have the opportunity to vote electronically, Nikki Finke just confirmed. I’m not sure what this means exactly – but one assumes they mean online voting?
As Mark Zuckerberg would say, “let the hacking begin.” Just kidding. But correct me if I’m wrong – these are the same people who didn’t really know what Facebook was last year? The same people who couldn’t figure out how to use those machines – what were they called? Those things that replaced DVD players? At least we know they can put a stamp on an envelope and mail the thing. I hope they will give them the choice. Raise your hand if you’ve opted to “go paperless” lately on any of your important bills?
Here is what was written on Deadline. It’s only mildly interesting until you get to the last sentence.
The Academy Of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences just confirmed to me that it sent out a letter Thursday to all members that electronic voting for Oscars will be implemented “as early as this year, and will certainly by in effect by next year. … At some point, once the system is up and running, mailed ballots will be eliminated.” The letter from AMPAS director of membership Kimberly Roush asked members for a personal email address that goes directly to them and not to an assistant or agent or manager or other intermediary. This is the first step towards the Academy moving up the Oscars to January so it won’t be the last awards show televised. Of course, other awards shows could move even earlier.
Key word here is COULD. Does anyone really think that the SAG, BFCA, Globes etc would think about having their shows after the Oscars? Don’t they know how it all works? Every other group wants to be the big influencer of the Oscars. The only show that really stands on its own merit, where it wouldn’t have to be before the Oscars, are the Golden Globes. The rest of them exist ONLY to influence the Oscar race. They always move their dates according to the Oscar calendar.
If that did happen, by the way, why would anyone give a hoot about the Oscars? They’d care about whatever show is the last of the year. Right? Right.