To me, so far, Michael Fassbender in shame is easily one of the most impressive this year, along with Jean Dujardin in The Artist, George Clooney in The Descendants, Chris Evans in Puncture, Gary Oldman in Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy — In this scene, tweeted by The Film Stage, originally posted at The Playlist, shows a more subtle Fassbender. But a chill will run down your spine if you’ve ever been the one getting picked up in this scene. A guy like Fassbender’s character is so well skilled at picking up women he only has to stand there and say nothing to win the girl. Meanwhile, the other guy, can’t get arrested, just comes off as panicky and desperate.
[UPDATE: Gone baby gone. But thanks to DirkDiggler for finding another source where the clip is safely archived. – Ryan]