Ah, what’s that sound? Racism and misogyny filling the air. Sounds like … mewling and whining again. It is always a strange mix of hatred of women overall and resentment of one poor black woman who created an empire whenever Oprah is brought up in sites that massage the pole of crazy racist trolls who don’t have the balls to stand up in the light of day but must hide under rocks on the internet only to be unearthed when someone writes a post like one appearing over at Breitbart.
The horror, the horror of the racists that the film has three bad things going for it at the outset – STANDING OVATION??!!! For a movie about MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR? PRODUCED BY OPRAH!!??? It is too much – you can see heads exploding. Naturally it produces the expected comments, though honestly, if the post were popular I’m sure the comments would be far worse. But even still.
It kind of reminds me of majority leader Mitch McConnell’s “Make no mistake” speech this morning about taking “action” against President Obama. The only word suspiciously missing from his speech was the word “boy” to finish it off. You know he wanted it. He wanted it SO BADLY! McConnell’s the guy who vowed to oust Obama in his first term. So, yeah, America. Long way to go before we can “put it behind us.”
The racists under every slimy rock in America are a dying breed. They should really just pack it in and exile themselves to a bunker somewhere because progress is only moving in one direction.
The disdain to which those idiots at Breitbart spit out Oprah’s name, a similar sentiment I’ve seen in comment sections of websites that should, frankly, know better. It’s laughable that one woman could disrupt the order so dramatically that some feel the need to dismiss each and every thing that has Oprah’s name attached. Oprah signifies to them “things women like.” And if women like them, they can’t possibly be respectable. At least these racist scumbags at Breitbart are up front about their old guard ideals. The far more terrifying closet misogyny dismisses a film just because Oprah is involved. When you drill down deeper the only answer that comes up – and it comes up continually – is women are ridiculous.
So the creepy trolls at Breitbart are enraged already over this film. The more successful it becomes, the more enraged they will be. I’m hoping it becomes really successful because there’s nothing more fun than watching racists implode.
And p.s. Zuckerkorn, whomever you are, you have my undying admiration.