Adam McKay’s brilliant film about the financial crisis of 2008 is hugely enjoyable as a satirical comedic drama. Ryan Gosling, Steve Carrel and Christian Bale have won rave reviews for their performances and the film, which won the PGA Award, could win Best Picture come February 28.
The Big Short picked up five Oscar nominations including Best Editing and Best Adapted Screenplay. Revisit Sasha’s original review of The Big Short, The Case For The Big Short and a piece from The Guardian as to why the film should win Best Picture.
Sasha’s review of The Big Short
The Big Short goes to Washington
Mr. McKay Goes to Washington, Shows The Big Short to Congress
The Case For The Big Short
It’s the Funniest Movie of the Year Until It Isn’t: The Case for The Big Short
The Guardian on Why The Big Short should Win Best Picture
The Guardian Begins New Series of Films that Should Win Best Picture – First up, The Big Short
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Note: Final phase of Awards Daily’s 8th Annual Simulated Oscar Ballot is now underway. Please go vote. Thanks!