The Our Favorite Movies series concludes Volume 5 with Megan’s choice, Jonathan Demme’s 1991 masterpiece The Silence of the Lambs.
With the 2018 Emmy season behind us, the Water Cooler Podcast turns to the world of cinema as we conclude volume 5 of the Our Favorite Movies series. This week, Megan gives us Jonathan Demme’s 1991 Oscar-winning masterpiece The Silence of the Lambs. She’s in great company too. Based on the 1988 novel by Thomas Harris, The Silence of the Lambs is one of only three films to win the Big Five Oscars: Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor, Best Actress, and Best Adapted Screenplay. We recap the film and talk about what makes it such a wildly popular film. We also touch on how the film resonates within the modern LGBT culture. Plus, we take a quick look at its legacy including what films and television shows it inspires even today.
We close our podcast, as always, with the Flash Forward to the media we’re most anticipating in the upcoming week.
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