This week, the Water Cooler Gang assembles to reveal their personal selections for the 2019 Emmy voting year in all the major categories. Plus, what did we all think of Big Little Lies Season 2?
This week, the Water Cooler gang puts on their voting hats and pretend to be members of the Television Academy. It’s time again for our annual If We Had a Ballot segment. What drama, comedy and limited series would we choose if we were voting members of the Television Academy? What performances? We list our series following the Academy rules. That’s right, no block voting. What series would you select as the best of the 2019 Emmy year? Be sure to sound off in the comments below!
Plus, be on the look out for this year’s Coolie nominations! We’re a little late posting it this year, but voting will be open on Monday, June 24 and run for two weeks. That’s outside of the standard Television Academy Phase 1 voting window, but we won’t have as many votes to count. So, we’re still good! Be sure to have your selections ready when polls go up next Monday!
But first, the reassembled Water Cooler gang takes an in-depth look at Big Little Lies season 2. Now in its second episode, the series appears hotter than ever. What works for us? What doesn’t work? And how broadly do we think Emmy will embrace the series in 2020?
We close our podcast, as always, with the Flash Forward to the media we’re most anticipating in the upcoming week.
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