Minnie Driver’s comments in Variety, explaining why she left America, is an interesting juxtaposition with the release of Sound of Hope: The Story of Possum Trot. With an A+ Cinemascore, Possum Trot is the kind of film audiences might want to pay to see. You know, something other than the misery of the naval gazing films on offer now? Angel Studios produced and released it, teaming up with The Daily Wire, a Conservative site that now produces its own films. So yeah, that’s the Right? You know, those evil racists who voted for Trump?
Minnie Driver would have nothing to say about it, nor would the upper crust that mostly rules Hollywood now. It would be “faith-based” to them and, thus, something to ignore. We can be grateful they didn’t viciously attack the movie as a Q’anon conspiracy like they did Sound of Freedom.
Sound of Hope: The Story of Possum Trot did not do that badly at the box office, considering the near-total shut out of coverage from the blogerati. A few did review it, good on them. It tells the story of a Bishop who, along with his wife, adopted over 77 foster kids. Why didn’t Hollywood make this movie? I don’t know. Not enough naval gazing in it, I guess. That doesn’t matter because it was made on the Conservative side. It would be the Daily Wire’s first theatrical release.
Here’s hoping the Story of Possum Trot makes a boatload of money.
The trailer for Possom Trot has 4 million views already:
Here is a featurette:
Meanwhile, in the land of awful people…
Here is what Driver said about Trump and his supporters:
“Of course he deserves to be in prison — of course he does. But just looking at how much money he raised in that two days, $53 million in a 48-hour period, and the idea that because the founding fathers — if there had been some mothers involved perhaps it would be different — left no room in the constitution for the idea that the American people could be so stupid as to vote for a felon, there is nothing reflected in the judiciary about what would happen if he wins. It’s a pickle when you’ve got the Secret Service already scoping out prisons, going, ‘What would this look like?’”
And of Trump supporters:
“The 70 million people who really quite like a bit of a racist attitude and non-existent immigration policies and dismantling the environmental agencies. They were always there. They weren’t created by him. He’s just a symptom, and now they’ve got a mascot.”
Of course, Driver has every right to say whatever she feels and trash all the people who are then expected to turn around and pay money to see her in movies, but why would she want to? The worst thing happened to Hollywood was that they all “got woke.” I was one of them, I know, and it became almost a religion. That kind of righteousness emboldens them to dehumanize millions of people based on “spectral evidence,” what you can’t see but just know.
Driver likely doom scrolls the Washington Post and the New York Times and feels informed. She would have yet to learn that what she knows is the limited scope of what the media narrative allows. But it’s not the truth. You’d have to watch a MAGA rally, spend time in that world, get to know them to make that assessment. But there’s zero chance any of them locked away in their insulated, isolated bubble would ever do that. It’s a shame because there are so many great stories Hollywood will never tell.
So what did I find when I spent time in MAGA world? I found normal America, the America we left behind long ago when we migrated online to build our shining woketopia on the hill. I know I alone can’t fix this problem. I know that what I say disturbs people. I know they can’t imagine any reality except the one they know. However, the disconnect between reality and real life is killing Hollywood’s ability to tell stories or make movies for everybody.
Thankfully, a handful of films are still doing just that, and I hope it continues. It looks like some filmmakers are starting to figure out how please audiences, to bring them back into theaters, but it’s slow going. The “us vs. them” ideology of people like Minnie Driver should be condemned because all it does is encourage millions to tune Hollywood out. Why would want that when your business is struggling?
Why would Minnie Driver feel so comfortable calling 70 million Americans racists? Because the “woke” religion gave her, and everyone at the top, absolution from their sins of wealth and privilege. There is no such thing as class anymore. There is only the racial hierarchy. If voters care about the border, then they’re racists, according to people like Minnie Driver, whose life is unaffected by the ongoing crisis. All she has to do is signal her virtue in the right direction, and no one will come after her for being a rich white lady, if she’s even still rich. Not a lot of work lately, I guess.
I hate watching all of this go down. I hate it that the people with all of the power feel so comfortable shutting out the people with no power. And all for what? It doesn’t seem like any of it is working. Sooner or later, the mass delusion will be punctured and we can all go back to being just people again, with no one judging us or condemning us or convicting us for everything they don’t even know about us.
What is the solution for people like Minnie Driver? Gulags? Re-education camps? Concentration camps? Would that make her feel safe, finally. from all of those very bad people across the pond?
What I still believe will happen is a counterculture revolution outside the system, like the Daily Wire is doing. If more independent studios like that rise up to challege status quo, then maybe the Left will ease up on its hatred of half the country.