Because of the way things have gone lately in the past two or three years, we're in uncharted territory. I...
Read moreDetailsNow that we've heard from a big guild, a really big guild, arguably the biggest guild, and a big awards...
Read moreDetailsThe Oscar race in Best Actress was shaken up by the sudden appearance of Andrea Riseborough once enough Academy members...
Read moreDetailsTuesday morning Oscar nominations drop. They'll be available everywhere, via livestream. We'll make sure to post that streaming link early...
Read moreDetailsTwitter does seem to be its own ecosphere when it comes to the Oscars. Sometimes it matches reality, sometimes it...
Read moreDetailsThere is no clear frontrunner for Best Picture at the moment, nor for any other category, for that matter. That...
Read moreDetailsThe first major awards were announced this morning when the New York Film Critics handed out their half-predictable, half-unpredictable awards....
Read moreDetailsIn the last few days, we've seen some moves in the Best Actor race, which is far from settled. There...
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