All posts by "Nandini Balial"

Avid eater, reader, viewer and sleeper. Dislikes humidity and mediocre programming. I don't trust people who don't care about food. Geographically: born/raised in India, then onto Texas for grades 5-12, sprint to New York City for 6.5 years (NYU, class of 2014), and now I'm driving my way round the City of Angels. Whoda thunk it! TV and film are an all-consuming passion - drop me a line with thoughts, questions, sermons, jokes or tips. And happy reading!

I couldn’t take notes for the first eight minutes of episode five. My guffaws prevented all the writing I meant to do. In about 10 minutes of network TV excellence, ...

Turns out GOB Bluth was right: Phil Miller has made a huge mistake. His wife and noted grammarian Carol is not the last woman on Earth. The other entry is ...

The writers’ room gave Kristen Schaal free reign over the first 12 minutes of this episode. And Carol Pilbasian returned it, beautifully wrapped, with a neat bow and handwritten card, because ...

[Please welcome new Awards Daily TV contributor Nandini Balial as she takes a look at the season premiere of FOX’s latest sitcom Last Man on Earth.] Well, the gentlemen behind The ...

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