All posts by "Robin Write"

BIO: Robin Write lives in the UK, and has been writing screenplays for over fifteen years. He also has a blog at and can be found on Twitter @WriteoutofLA. He'll be around.

Here, in Day 10 of the ADTV Christmas Advent Calendar, possibly the greatest speaking voice in England joins forces with the greatest singing voice in Wales on one of the ...

Toys, toys, toys. Christmas would not be the same without them. Day 9 of the ADTV Advent Calendar brings you some classic toys - just not in the way you ...

Just about a third the way through December, Day 8 of our ADTV Advent Calendar reminds some of us of the potential of our own work Christmas parties. Shall we ...

That's the first weekend of December out of the way. You ought to be somewhere near prepared for Christmas, right? Presents? Tree? Eggnog? Or are you saving Christmas for a ...

Day 6 of the ADTV Advent Calendar reminds us when they sang: "And in our world of plenty, we can spread a smile of joy, throw your arms around the ...

I think it is time for a commercial interruption, don't you? So let's have a brief break from all the television drama and comedy and whathaveyou for a sentimental spot ...

Nearly the first weekend in December already, you'd better get cracking with day four of the ADTV Advent Calendar. The following dance moves may not be suitable for all occasions.

Let's spice things up a bit for day three of the ADTV Advent Calendar with a heavy drizzle of puppet theatre and raunchy dress-sense.

On the second day of Christmas (well, December) my television gave to me: a bunch of likable social misfits competing with a small robotic Santa. Of course.

Hello December. The countdown begins then to Christmas Day, so let's begin our very own Advent Calendar celebrating just a few of the more festive television moments. Time to open ...

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