The Unsung Hero of ‘Better Call Saul’

So I’m finally catching up on AMC’s Better Call Saul in advance of Monday’s season two finale. The initial verdict is I was wrong to abandon the series. I’ll be the first to admit it too.

Saul is really just warming up, I feel, in season two thus far, but Bob Odenkirk is really turning in fantastic work already. Is he an early front runner for Drama Actor? Will Better Call Saul become the Game of Thrones spoiler? Two things need to happen for that to become a reality. First, Monday’s season two finale needs to stick the landing in a memorable way. After all, Game of Thrones has the advantage of finishing its sixth season just around the Emmy voting window. It will undoubtedly be fresher on voters minds. Second, Game of Thrones will have to underwhlem or lose buzz in some meaningful fashion. Saul can’t win it on merit alone. Thrones is just too big.

At any rate, onto the unsung hero… Check out thear fantastic images from episode three, “Amarillo.” Cinematographer Arthur Albert has quietly amassed a series of beautifully shot episodes that provide vivid imagery to accentuate the thematic content. Saul‘s cinematography may not be as flashy as Game of Thrones or House of Cards, but that’s fine.

Its quiet brilliance fits the series perfectly.

Better Call Saul


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