Water Cooler Podcast: Episode 7 – Twin Peaks Flashback

In the first of what will hopefully be an ongoing series of specials dedicated to some of our favorite series from the past, Clarence Moye takes over Water Cooler Podcast hosting duties this week to present Twin Peaks, David Lynch’s influential supernatural mystery drama which debuted on ABC an April 8, 1990.

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Published by Craig Kennedy

Craig Kennedy is looking for the best on screens small and large. Follow him on Twitter (@LivingInCinema), on tvtag, on Facebook and listen to him along with Sasha and Ryan on the Oscar Podcast.

2 replies on “Water Cooler Podcast: Episode 7 – Twin Peaks Flashback”

  1. Great stuff. This could easily have been 4 hours. There’s no way you can touch on aspects of Twin Peaks is there. The wife and I started to watch it (her for the first time) but we stopped for some reason during season 2. I guess we just have to go pick right up where we left off then.

    1. Yes, we couldn’t go farther because I hadn’t finished the series at the time. It actually picked up significantly with the introduction of Windom Earle, and I believe they had course-corrected enough to warrant a third season. Probably too late, though. Anyway, glad you liked the podcast. Look for a return to Twin Peaks in the next few weeks when we complete Season 2 and tackle Fire Walk With Me.

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