The ADTV Advent Calendar – Day 11

Christmas Balloons (Coca-Cola)

Coca-Cola are renowned for their rather poignant, exciting Christmas advertising campaigns (it’s been decades, right?). I thought I would dig deep to find one of their best, and not one I suspect many of us have seen. Plunking a Coca-Cola vending machine in the middle of a European town square, where folk have to dress wintry in hats and scarfs amidst the bright sun, those that happen upon the machine are faced with a choice between a free coke and spreading the good. If you’re not perhaps thirsty or are compelled to spread the joy, then you’ll be witness to the emergence of a red balloon carrying a simple message as it floats off into the festive atmosphere and drifting towards a lucky person who is then encouraged to spread the happiness even further. Quite wonderful indeed. Even a Pepsi lover can’t resist that.

Published by Robin Write

BIO: Robin Write lives in the UK, and has been writing screenplays for over fifteen years. He also has a blog at and can be found on Twitter @WriteoutofLA. He'll be around.