‘Fuller House’ Drops Teaser, Release Date

For those anxious for 90’s sitcom nostalgia, the teaser trailer for the Netflix season (should we call it a continuation?) of Fuller House should satisfy. Since it’s only about 15 seconds long, it doesn’t show much. We see the iconic San Francisco house with the red door, but we don’t see any of the returning actors.

I have two burning questions about Fuller House:

  1. Have the Tanners really not re-decorated their house? This is prime real estate, so you’d think Danny would at least visit an IKEA to change things up. Maybe we will be stuck in a time warp?
  2. Is this the Comet? When the show was originally announced, I joked that poor Comet has probably gone to the doghouse in the sky. Are they going to try and convince us that this golden retriever is the original? Since he was the star of the teaser, I am just going to put it out there that I would watch 13 episodes of just Comet scratching at the door.

Fuller House debuts on Netflix on February 26th.


Published by Joey Moser

Joey Moser is an actor and writer living in Florida. You can follow him online on Twitter @JoeyMoser83