NBC premiered the full-length trailer for its upcoming reboot Heroes Reborn at Comic-Con today. Starring Zachary Levi, Jack Coleman, and Ryan Guzman, the 13-episode miniseries will premiere on September 24 at 8pm EST.
Tag Archives: NBC
NBC Says ‘Adios!’ to Trump
The controversial presidential candidate will lose airtime on two networks due to his personal statements regarding Mexican immigrants.
Review: ‘Hannibal,’ Aperitivo
Hannibal’s latest entry advances the Season Three plot forward, hopefully silencing all of those who have complained that the show has been too focused on character development.
Trailer: ‘Heroes: Reborn’ Full Trailer Drops
The reboot of NBC’s Heroes series will debut on September 24, 2015.
Teaser: NBC’s ‘Heroes Reborn’
‘Hannibal’ to Serve Its Last Meal on NBC
The graphic crime thriller will finish up its third and final season on NBC September 3.
Hannibal S03E01 – Antipasto
With Hannibal‘s Season 3 premiere, Bryan Fuller has proven again that he is by no means interested in playing out the story of Thomas Harris’s legendary serial killer in a conventional manner. Season 1 changed the game by setting the story long before the events of Red Dragon, Season 2 by inverting the formula by …
Review: SNL ‘Louis C.K. and Rhianna’
Saturday Night Live ended its 40th anniversary season with a giant thud on a Louis CK-hosted episode.
Review: SNL ‘Reese Witherspoon and Florence and the Machine’
Reese Witherspoon hosted yet another subpar episode of Saturday Night Live, continuing the show’s streak of mostly unfunny outings.
News: The Axeman Cameth
Here are the most recent network cancellations, complete with dashes of snark.