The Doctor is In: ‘Scream Queens’ Season 2 Trailer Drops

Well, great. Now I can’t even go to a hospital without escaping Scream Queens. The Scream Queens Season 2 trailer dropped for Ryan Murphy’s inexplicable comedy/horror spoof/comedy. It starts with John Stamos and Taylor Lautner strutting down a hospital hallway. Jamie Lee Curtis (always welcome) joins them and then re-introduces us to the Chanels who are dressed as nurses in fluorescent couture. They look like a trio of Nurse Ratcheds with a fierce Instagram following.

Can Scream Queens Season 2 surprise us all with some genuine laughs and scares? Will they go for some Halloween II hospital nostalgia with Jamie Lee? I guess we have to watch to find out. Dammit.

Scream Queens returns to FOX on Tuesday, September 20th.

Published by Joey Moser

Joey Moser is an actor and writer living in Florida. You can follow him online on Twitter @JoeyMoser83