Spielberg’s ‘E.T.’ Reimagined as a 90s Sitcom

Here at AwardsDaily TV, everything is about the Emmys lately. Still, it’s nice to kick back and take in a few non-Emmy related pieces of entertainment. And, as such, here’s the best thing we’ve seen all day. A few days ago, Mashable released this reimagining of Steven Spielberg’s classic, Oscar-winning E.T.: The Extra Terrestrial as a 90s-era sitcom. The edit/music combo is in perfect sync. Yes, that’s the theme some from Perfect Strangers, which makes it even more amazingly perfect.

My personal favorite moment is the “standing tall on the wings of my dream” juxtaposition against Elliot standing on a stool to kiss a classmate after the great frog debacle.

Hope you enjoy as much as we did.


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