Water Cooler Podcast: Episode 27 – What If We Had an Emmy Ballot?

This week, Clarence, Megan, and Joey take a spoilery look at Season Three of Netflix’s dramedy Orange is the New Black. Does the hot streak from Season Two continue? Is it still a drama or is it a comedy? Does it really matter? Note: if you haven’t watched beyond the first few episodes, then skip this section and come back when you’re done. We accidentally drop a few spoilers here and there. Next, we pretend we belong to the Television Academy and list a few deserving actors and titles for which we would vote… and maybe a few we might actively root against. Note: if you’re Maggie Smith, then email me for Joey’s address.

3:41 – Orange is the New Black
27:18 – What If We Had an Emmy Ballot?

Published by Clarence Moye

Clarence firmly believes there is no such thing as too much TV or film in one's life. He welcomes comments, criticisms, and condemnations on Twitter or on the web site. Just don't expect him to like you for it.

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