Water Cooler Podcast: Episode 38 – Music! Makes the TV Come Together

On today’s Water Cooler Podcast, the Cooler gang offers their favorites in television theme songs. The offerings range from classic themes to the themes of the modern sitcom era to orchestral greatness. Amusingly enough, no one manages to overlap significantly in their selections, proving there is indeed a wide array of television theme music out there.

But before we dive into TV theme music, we tackle a few news topics including word out of the Television Critics Week that there’s too much TV, NBC is up to its old tricks again, and the E! network is courting some legal action with an upcoming project.

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2:54 – Too Much TV?
13:29 – NBC’s Upcoming Powerless
17:36 – E!s The Arrangement Scandal
22:23 – Our Favorite TV Theme Songs

Published by Clarence Moye

Clarence firmly believes there is no such thing as too much TV or film in one's life. He welcomes comments, criticisms, and condemnations on Twitter or on the web site. Just don't expect him to like you for it.

2 replies on “Water Cooler Podcast: Episode 38 – Music! Makes the TV Come Together”

  1. Hi! I really enjoyed the podcast, esp. the inclusion of my favorites like the themes from Happy Days and Friends, even though I know the latter was overplayed.

    If I made a list of my top theme songs, it’d definitely include the songs from “Welcome Back, Kotter,” “Happy Days,” “Hill Street Blues,” “Family Ties,” “NYPD Blue,” “Sopranos,” “The Wire,’ “Curb Your Enthusiasm,” “Dallas,” and “Dynasty.”

    Now I have to go and listen to them on YouTube. Thanks for the podcasts—I listened to two today: True Detective and this one.

    1. Hey Julie! Thanks for listening and commenting. Looks like we had some overlap on favorite themes. Glad you liked this one. It was fun for us too. Enjoy your weekend!

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