Everybody Loves Political Films! (More Than Actual Politics!)

Episode 102: The Cooler Gang anticipates Tuesday’s election by reviewing and casting political films.

This week at the Water Cooler, we’re changing out the water for vodka as the 2016 election cycle finally draws to an end. To prepare for… well, whatever happens with Tuesday’s vote, we take a look at two important TV political films brought to us by All the Way’s Jay Roach. First up, 2008’s Recount recalls the immediate aftermath of the 2000 Gore/Bush election contest. Then, 2012’s Game Change tackles the 2008 election year which brought Sarah Palin onto the world stage. We take a deep look at both political films and consider how their stories resonate in the modern political cycle. Finally, we’ll play a much-beloved ADTV game: Cast the TV Movie! This week, we’re casting the inevitable film version of the 2016 election. That’s right, we’re casting Trump, Hillary, Melania, Bill, Kellyanne Conway, Billy Busy… The whole damn sick and twisted crew.

As always, we’ll close with the Flash Forward to the television we’re most anticipating in the upcoming week.

Thanks for listening and remember to rate us on iTunes!

04:56 – Recount
27:21 – Game Change
44:02 – Cast the Trump Movie!
01:22:00 – Flash Forward

Published by Clarence Moye

Clarence firmly believes there is no such thing as too much TV or film in one's life. He welcomes comments, criticisms, and condemnations on Twitter or on the web site. Just don't expect him to like you for it.