The 2016 HBO Fall TV Extravaganza

Episode 97: The Cooler Gang looks at three major new HBO Fall TV series including Westworld.

Welcome to our 2016 HBO Fall TV Extravaganza! The pedigreed pay-cable programmer rolls out three major new series this fall, starting with the controversial Westworld which premiered last night. Then, premiering next Sunday are two highly anticipated series. First, Divorce marks the return of Sex and the City’s Sarah Jessica Parker to the HBO lineup. Then, Insecure showcases a new voice in comedy in an engaging new series. We talk about each show and look at whether or not each are candidates for awards attention. Or are they just another The Brink or Togetherness on the HBO pile of prestige programming?

Before that, we look quickly (because who can stand to look too long) at last week’s first 2016 Presidential debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Did this make for good television? How did this stack up against other major debates? What sound bites will resonate with the viewing public?

As always, we close with the Flash Forward of what television most excites us in the upcoming week.

Thanks for listening!

3:38 – First 2016 Presidential Debate
21:27 – HBO Fall TV Extravaganza
1:13:33 – Flash Forward

Published by Clarence Moye

Clarence firmly believes there is no such thing as too much TV or film in one's life. He welcomes comments, criticisms, and condemnations on Twitter or on the web site. Just don't expect him to like you for it.