From the Academy Award-nominated directors of Jesus Camp, Heidi Ewing & Rachel Grady, Detropia premiered September 7 and is showcased...
Read moreDetailsAn investigative look at America's war on drugs and its impact on the criminal justice system. Director Eugene Jarecki was...
Read moreDetailsEbert tweets the big news himself. “Whoa! My memoir has been optioned for a doc by Steve James (“Hoop Dreams”)...
Read moreDetailsTake a good long look at that sign. Those proportions are correct. The poster for the "book" reveals what it's...
Read moreDetailsNearly 42 years to the day since the Stonewall Riots of June 27, 1969, New York State becomes the 6th...
Read moreDetailsSomehow I missed this when NY Times' media columnist and author David Carr tweeted this out -- but here he...
Read moreDetailsOscar-nominated documentary Waste Land aired on PBS Independent Lens last Tuesday, but I didn't notice the listing in time give...
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