Oscars 2024: Best Actress Comes Down to Understated vs. Overstated
How to solve a problem like Best Actress? A good friend recently watched Poor Things and found it "too weird ...
How to solve a problem like Best Actress? A good friend recently watched Poor Things and found it "too weird ...
Emmy-nominated hair stylist Daniel Curet (Pushing Daisies) sculpted some of the most iconic looks for recent powerhouse films including 2020's ...
Maybe you have to be old like me to know Annette Bening's Oscar story. She has come close a few ...
Jake Braver, the VFX supervisor of Netlfix's NYAD, had a great deal of work to accomplish on a film that, ...
Awards Daily is proud to present this exclusive clip of a unique NYAD roundtable. This featurette marks the only video ...
Directed by Jimmy Chin and Chai Vasarhelyi, Nyad tells the inspirational story of swimmer Diana Nyad who, at age 60, ...
Awards Daily talks to Annette Bening and Jodie Foster about their complex characters' friendship in Netflix's NYAD, directed by Jimmy ...
Annette Bening is the titular subject of the upcoming film from Netflix called Nyad by Free Solo directors Elizabeth Chai ...
The composer chats with Joey Moser about translating Dan Jones's fight through music. If you are unfamiliar with the Senate ...
The first trailer for "The Report" has been released by Amazon Studios. Scott Z. Burns writes and directs the tense ...
When we think about legendary actresses who haven't yet won Oscars, Annette Bening's name usually pushes to the top of ...
In 2012 Helen Mirren was nominated for a Golden Globe, a SAG and a BAFTA for her work in Hitchcock. ...
The Casting Society of America (CSA) is has announced its nominations for 32nd Annual Artios Awards for Outstanding Achievement in ...
Meryl Streep is a genius. It must be said. That she now has a permanent slot reserved in the Best ...
If there is a potential spoiler in the event that Natalie Portman and Emma Stone split the vote, it will ...
The utter subjectivity of acting is what I love. I love trying to get behind someone's eyes." Annette Bening- AFI ...
In a perfect world, Annette Bening would be celebrated for her age and experience. If you put The Grifters and ...
Mike Mills film about a boy coming of age around three pivotal women in his life. Here is a new ...
Now that Viola Davis, as reported by Greg Ellwood, is campaigning in the supporting category for Fences, that opens up ...
Annette Bening will be honored with a tribute for her career and her work in Mike Mills' 20th Century Women, ...
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