Back in the early days of Oscarwatch we had a rule: it wasn’t about advocating; it was about predicting. It wasn’t about what SHOULD win; it was about what WILL win. But all of that changed as the Oscar watching industry grew. Now, just like internet dating, there is no stigma to it. The best way to write about the Oscars, I figure, is to advocate – the reason is that there are simply too many voices out there predicting so that it has become very nearly a pointless echo chamber. At any rate, most bloggers kind of sort of do advocate even when they’re trying hard to. You can see a bias coming from a mile away. But over at Indiewire’s Press Play they are doing a series on Should Wins – and they’re really wonderful. They make a good case here for Mr. Brad Pitt (the clips remind me of what a great, great movie Moneyball is):
Viola Davis for the win: